
Buck Fever Forehand Gland Deer Lure zoom in


Buck Fever Forehand Gland Deer Lure

$12.99 - $22.99

Buck Fever® Forehead Gland is the scent you use to simulate fresh forehead gland activity. Regular use will increase over-marking activity. Start marking overhead branches and rubs well before season and continue all season long. Also use it on trails and vegetation adjacent to stand sites during the season.

BF Gland is a synthetic forehead lure that imitates the scent a buck deposits on licking branches above scrapes and on buck rubs. Use BF Gland above real scrapes or mock scrapes to encourage other bucks to re-visit these scrapes more often. Buck Fever suggests you use a small, clean chamois or other absorbant item on the over-hanging branch so the BF Gland lasts even longer (please clean up when done using). When dry, BF Gland crystallizes so it’s still present. Then when it’s moistened again from rain or dew, the scent reactivates to continue working!

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Buck Fever® has been making 100% synthetic deer scents since 1989. From the very beginning, the product had a rabid following and reputation with industry enthusiasts and professional sportsmen.  Their synthetic scent formulation is the secret weapon of big buck trophy hunters, and is now available to hunters everywhere.

Description Price Qty

BF-FG-04 - 4 oz.

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BF-FG-08 - 8 oz.

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