
JBK Pottery Bread Warmer zoom in


JBK Pottery Bread Warmer

Baguette design - 3 x 5 inches - Keeps bread and baking warm throughout a meal

For best results, simply heat the ceramic tile in your oven, toaster, or barbecue. Set the heated tile in a cloth-lined basket or dish, placing your warmed bread or buns on top, and cover with cloth.

Oven: Bread Warmer may be placed in a heated oven at 2500-3500 for about 10 minutes.

Toaster: Your Bread Warmer may be heated in a normal toaster.

Barbecue: You can place the Bread Warmer tile on the grill in your barbecue and heat for about 10 minutes.

Warning: To be safe, always handle the heated Bread Warmer carefully with tongs, pot holder, or oven mitts.

Care: If your Bread Warmer becomes soiled, it can be washed by hand, or run through a high temperature cleaning cycle in your oven.

Hint: More than one Bread Warmer can be used for larger dishes or baskets of baking.
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Located in Calgary, Alberta Canada and incorporated in 1979, JBK® Holdings Inc. and JBK Pottery have produced many innovative products.

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