
Sweet Jubilee Peanut Butter Sweet Knots zoom in


Sweet Jubilee Peanut Butter Sweet Knots

Who needs 'sweet nothings' when you've got Sweet Jubilee's™ Peanut Butter Sweet Knots™! Crunchy Mini Pretzels Topped with Creamy Peanut Butter & Covered with Premium Milk Chocolate!

  • Net weight: 6.5 oz.
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Welcome to Sweet Jubilee™, your destination for Gourmet Goodies! Starting in 2010, as a small, Artisan sweets and snacks manufacturer in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, Sweet Jubilee first built their reputation on a line of small-batch brittles - the nationally recognized Brittle Bark®. Their signature, not-too-sweet crispy caramel with combinations of popcorn, crunchy nuts, chewy fruits, salty snack pieces and premium spices are perfect for on-the-go snacking or special occasions. Sweet Jubilee prides themselves on offering a selection of sweets, treats and snacks that will turn any day into a celebration!

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