
Abandoned Villages and Ghost Towns of New England by Thomas DAgostino zoom in


Abandoned Villages and Ghost Towns of New England by Thomas D'Agostino

Abandoned villages hold mysteries that only ghosts can reveal. 

Read accounts forgotten places, such as flooded Flagstaff, Maine, that contains the spirits of former residents still clinging to homes now nothing more than foundations or cellar holes. Visit Dudleytown, Connecticut, where residents fell victim to demons, murder, and insanity. Stroll through Massachusetts's Dogtown Common, a dead village of witches, werewolves, and ghosts.

Whether you decide to explore these ghost towns or just read about them, you will not forget the people who made them history. Some still await your arrival - if not in person, then in spirit.

  • B&W illustrations
  • Paperback
  • 192 pages
  • Dimensions: 9"H x 6"W

ISBN: 9780764330766

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