
Hike by Pete Oswald zoom in


Hike by Pete Oswald

$18.99 $7.99

Take to the trails for a celebration of nature - and a day spent with dad.

In the cool and quiet early light of morning, a father and child wake up. Today they’re going on a hike. Follow the duo into the mountains as they witness the magic of the wilderness, overcome challenges, and play a small role in the survival of the forest. By the time they return home, they feel alive - and closer than ever - as they document their hike and take their place in family history. 

In detail-rich panels and textured panoramas, Pete Oswald perfectly paces this nearly wordless adventure, allowing readers to pause for subtle wonders and marvel at the views. A touching tribute to the bond between father and child, with resonant themes for Earth Day, Hike is a breath of fresh air.

  • Paperback
  • Ideal for ages 4-8 years old
  • 40 pages
  • Dimensions: 11.3"H x 8.25"W

ISBN: 9781536219623

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